I know that everything is made of energy and vibrates at
different frequencies but I had a temporary lapse and forgot to stay open to the
vibration of my spirit. It happens. I was lost
in a sensation of plowing through thick waters and could barely feel the ‘me’ I
recognize as myself. Instead I felt my struggle as if that was me. I
thought I was my feelings, I thought I was my thoughts. I was asleep. And I
truly felt like I did not belong anywhere.
Then I went to sleep and I awoke. I had a dream and
remembered, as simple as that. I felt my connection as spirit, far more than
simply this earthbound personality and could only shake my head at how powerful
the impact of forgetting can be. My
dreamtime had reached out to give me hand in my amnesia.
Oh I felt grateful for the shift. I sighed so deeply as I
landed back home in the present moment, back home in my skin. I was struck fiercely
with my souls calling amplified all the more because I had momentarily felt
Knowing one’s soul is not a linear process and forgetting
too plays a part in the journey. I awoke from that dream crystal clear about
the magnitude we all possess and our sacred duty to live true to ourselves by
the inclusion of spirit based vibrational energy. And clearer still was the knowing
that we are so much bigger than any perceived drama in this world of trick or
The funny thing is when I forget to identify as spirit
having a human experience, I also forget the importance of my dreams. I was reminded
of how much our dreams have to teach us when I interviewed Okwaho
Leblanc last week on conscious living radio. She is coming to Vancouver to facilitate a
workshop on indigenous dreaming in October.
In my dream I felt my current emotional dilemma and also my
contribution to its perpetuation when I diminish my faith in myself with self-criticism
and faulty evaluation. When we set ourselves up with conditions that must be
met before we attain our hearts desire or have peace, we make trust in the
process of manifestation near impossible. Saying I will have that perfect love or
awesome career when I change myself in some way, lose 10 pounds or
find my real tribe of friends or co-creative business partners…..you
fill in the blank, tends to give mixed messages to the universe.
On the other hand, a
pure heart with longing and gratitude, living as if one already has what one
desires…well that is being a co- creator worth a chorus of halleluiahs. And we
are creating not just when we are awake but also in our dreamtime.
Our dreams have so much to teach us. There is no black and
white in dreams. Nothing is as it seems and linear time is not a concept that
exists at all. In dreams everything is possible and appears or disappears instantaneously
without the need for control or human will power.
I am feeling very joyful this week. I am teaching a
beautiful group of students who are open to remembering. My birthday is coming
up and a group of us are going to be playing on magnificent Sakinaw Lake on the
Sunshine Coast and my hearts longing is beaming into the world like a fine
tuned homing device.
It feels like all I am called to do is keep my desire alive
and live in the awareness of my connection to the cosmos, in gratitude that I
have a sacred imagination that allows me to dream. I think of my dreams as the
411 to intuitive information, straight from my soul to me. And when I get on board with my souls calling
nothing can stop that from becoming reality.
Dream on. Dream big.
Branded by divine validation,
Authentically Yours,