We are celebrating some important birthdays with music and memories. It’s been four years since Duncan’s passing and the annual gathering that unites his family and friends in music and honors both his memory and his big brothers birthday is an event that is inspired by depth and laced with feeling.
His guitar and love of music was such a passion of his, bringing people together was just a natural gift, and living full out was the fuel that kept him shining.
One of my favorite Duncan moments was a weekend on the Sunshine Coast where we met up at a cottage I had rented on the lake. As my friend and I unpacked food from our car, the boys were unpacking beer from theirs. And it kept coming and coming and coming. Once the fridge was full to capacity the deck was getting stocked…a never ending supply of coolers, and ice and beer.
“Really, I said….there is no way you two are going to drink all this.”
Duncan shrugged and gave that sweet smile that was so full of living in the moment, so full of twinkle. I always felt his capacity to live large, to be spontaneous, and to go for it without fear or measure.
And so it began, 3 days of boating and feasting and singing late into the night. Dunc’s guitar playing was stellar, our drumming and singing…not so much. But it didn’t matter. Not to him, not to us. What we all loved was the joining and sharing and howling late late into the dark until the morning light began to break through the aubergine sky.
I told them not to go boating without life jackets. No one listened. I told them boating is like driving, you can’t drink and drive. No one listened. I wasn't the best authority figure I admit. But they did discuss their moms one night, and I hold that memory dear. Buns and I had only met briefly once or twice at that point. Duncan was so protective of his mother with lots of strong opinions and a clear love that shone through every word, every nuance, every story he shared. Their connection was fierce.
Duncan is a treasure that is missed and yet will always continue to whisper. His inspiration calls on us to be all that we can be, to live full out, and to never, ever, let fear drive the boat. He reminds us that to be swept up by the adventure of the present moment, as he was, is the only way to fully celebrate and revel in life.
He reminds us to be grateful!
Today and always I open to that honor.
Albert Einstein once said there are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. Duncan always chose door number two.
Thank you Duncan. Thank you for being you.
Branded by remembering,
Authentically yours,
Happy Mother's Day Marty! Thanks for writing this... I'm sitting here the morning after our big musical night -- some quiet time to think about both my boys...
ReplyDeleteI love to hear how Duncan inspired others as much as he continues to inspire me to pick door number two.