This time of year is a very poignant one for me. I celebrate both my sons’ birthdays – Sean is
now 33, and Dunc would have been 29 this May.
Both occasions bring back so many memories… the first time I held Sean
my life changed forever… (for the better, in case you are reading this,
Sean). The minute he was born, the look on his face said “look out world,
here I come!”, and he has remained true to that ever since. He makes me laugh, he is so talented, energetic,
and very compassionate. An absolute joy of a son.
Dunc also made a statement in his short life… commitment to
extreme achievement and a fierce love of mischief. He inspired many… and he made us laugh
too. The messages from friends and
family each year on his birthday never cease to amaze me. He is not forgotten and he is loved.
I’ve been so busy being proud of my boys that I haven’t
really taken stock of me lately. It
wasn’t until my niece asked me if I would be her texting buddy and tell each
other what we are proud about each day, that I started thinking about me. I
rose to the challenge, in part because I don’t ever give it much thought and
knew instinctively it would be a good thing to do. I wanted to support her too.
We are having a ton of fun with it and it actually makes me
do things I wouldn’t normally do – like exercise everyday (instead of coming up
with reasons why I can put it off), or taking the time to play piano and learn
new songs. It’s actually making me look at my fear of commitment. Who knew?
One day, I was really coming up empty with things to report
and I told her that. Her reply the next
Just in case no one
told you today:
Good morning
You're beautiful
I love you
Nice butt
I cracked up. She’s
great. I’m looking forward to catching up
with her when I go back east for my 60th (yikes) birthday this week.
Celebrations for that big event have begun in earnest. Last week, I was fêted at Tao Organics by a
dear friend… a fabulous raw food feast and some very thoughtful gifts (my
favourite being a beautiful carved box with 60 hand-written quotes on cards,
festooned with crystals). I was so
touched by the time and the care put into this gift, it brought tears to my
eyes. I read a quote each morning now
and I am reminded of how rich I truly am.
Next on the hit parade is a dinner on Bowen Island with
long-time friends tonight. I can’t wait…
they both are amazing in the kitchen and we always have a fabulous time
Then it’s off to Oakville where my Ontario-based gang is
taking over the Moonshine Café for a rousing jam with some amazing musicians
(including Sean – yay!). I’ll get to see
my Mom on my actual birthday too.
When I get back, we’re doing it all over again at the
Troller Ale House in Horseshoe Bay – surrounded by talented friends, we’re kickin’
it up both in my honour and as a fundraiser for Dunc’s charity. (It’s my way of having him at my birthday
Shortly after recovering from all this frivolity we hit the
ground running with Sean and Kristina’s wedding.
Will it ever end? I
hope not.
I love my life.
Branded by joie de vivre…
P.S. I couldn’t
decide between these tracks so I’m sharing both… enjoy. And thank you for being part of my life.
Beautiful Christie...beautiful writing, beautiful you. Many happy returns. xxxx